Learning Packs & Pricing
Personalized Online Tutoring & Self Practice Packs
Every Lesson lasts for 50-55 minutes
Get instant homework help for Math or ELA.
A quick review of a concept for a test/exam.
Learn strategies to solve a complex math question or write that critical essay.
Improve skills in Reading, Creative Writing, Vocabulary, English Grammar.
Get better at Elementary Math, Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry.
Schedule your personalized lesson at your convenient date and time.
Meet a live online subject tutor during the lesson.
Learn topics and concepts that you are struggling with.
Master concepts for a test/exam.
Learn complex math concepts; reading and writing strategies
Improve skills in Reading, Creative Writing, Vocabulary, English Grammar.
Get better at Elementary Math, Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry.
Schedule your personalized lessons at your convenient date and time.
Meet a live online subject tutor during every lesson.
Printable sheets for academically gifted students.
650+ Math Questions in the 2-column format + 550+ Analogy Questions
7 Mock Tests of 55 questions each
50+ Topic Specific Practice sheets.
Cheat Sheets for review and reference.
Separate packs for different SCAT levels.
Curated by expert SCAT tutors.
Structured Learning Plan to be a math and English pro.
Master math, algebra, geometry concepts.
Be an English reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar expert.
Schedule personalized lessons at your convenient date and time.
Meet a live online subject tutor during every lesson.
Test Prep Help with Mock tests and expert guidance.

Money Back Guarantee
If you are not happy with a particular lesson, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via contact@neomasterglobal.com or call us at +1 512 487 7823.
Our primary aim is to assist you in achieving your educational objectives, and we're more than willing to offer a credit equivalent to the amount for any requests that fall short of your expectations.
Requests for service cancellation or refunds must be submitted within 30 days from the date of purchase.
Refunds will be issued for any unused subscription, subject to a deduction of a 10% administration fee and $17 per lesson for lessons already completed.
Please note that our money-back guarantee is not extended to Self-Practice and Worksheet Packs, or Assignment Help.