When it comes to learning, there are many factors that can affect retention. Some students have difficulty remembering information due to a lack of interest or motivation while others may be more focused on acquiring new knowledge rather than retaining what they already know. Regardless of your child’s specific learning style and ability level, one thing is certain: You need to make sure that they understand what you are teaching them if they are going to be able to retain the information long term!

Here are some effective ways for increasing your child's retention:
1. The key to your student’s success is repetition.
One of the key ways to enhance retention is through repetition. The more your child practices a concept, the more likely they are to retain it. It is important that you have a plan for how and when to practice concepts, as well as make sure your child has mastered them before moving on.
The best way for students who struggle with learning new information is through active engagement and focused effort on their part rather than simply being told what needs to be done or explained why something works (or doesn’t). For example: if a student was trying to solve a real-life problem using the Pythagorean theorem, they would probably be far more successful at absorbing those skills if they were taught by a real-life example along with others instead of reading about it in books first—and yes…I do mean actual coding! This can also apply when teaching other subjects such as algebra where there may be some unfamiliar vocabulary or concepts involved; having hands-on experiences helps students better understand material which then leads directly back into improving retention rates overall."
2. Application of concepts is essential.
The best way to learn is by doing and the best way to apply what you have learned is through application. In order to apply your knowledge, there are several steps that can be taken:
Define the concept or idea in your mind before attempting any action on it. This will help you avoid making mistakes when applying it later on in life if this step isn't completed properly
Use examples from real life situations so that students can relate themselves with them more easily (this helps them understand concepts more clearly)
Use visual aids such as graphs/charts etc., which may help students grasp certain concepts better
3. Practice makes perfect.
Practice makes perfect. Practice is essential for learning, and your child will learn faster if they practice. There are many free math and English worksheets online that you can use to help with this process. You can also find activities in the classroom that involve practicing concepts like addition and subtraction, multiplication, division and fractions (e.g., making dummies out of paper).
In order to get the most out of any learning experience, it’s important for your child to take part in activities that support their learning style as well as challenges their skill level at the same time. This might mean using flash cards or doing drills on a computer where there is no teacher present so he/she can work at his own pace without distraction from others around him/her; however, when possible try having a parent present during these times so he/she doesn't feel alone while working on something new like this!
4. Reach out when you need help.
As a student, do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions or concerns. If you don't, however you can still reach out to your online tutor after the online tutoring lesson.
Ask questions: When you're in the middle of learning a concept, it's easy to forget what exactly it was that you were learning and how much time has passed. This can lead to frustration for both you and your tutor; however, with a little creativity (and patience), we can work together as partners in learning! Here are some questions that may help give clarity: "What did I learn yesterday? What do I still need to learn?" Or "How long should I keep this up before moving onto something else?"
5. Give it time!
It takes time for students to learn new concepts and skills, but that doesn't mean you have to give up. If your child is having trouble grasping the concept of a certain topic or skill, try teaching them in another way. For example, if they're having trouble with their math homework, don't just tell them what they need to do—let them figure it out on their own! If they ask questions or show interest in learning more about a topic (or even just want an activity), then encourage that by giving praise and rewards when they succeed.
Remember: patience is key!
When your child has mastered a concept, they will have confidence in their abilities and surpass any challenges they face in school.
Once your child has mastered a concept, they will have confidence in their abilities and surpass any challenges they face in school. They will be able to understand new concepts, such as those related to math or science. This can lead them down the path of becoming a future STEM (science technology engineering math) expert!
When your child has learned how to do something on his or her own, he/she is likely going to be more successful at doing it again when asked by others. Asking questions like “Why did we do that?” and “Where did we get this information from?” will help your child remember what happened previously so that he/she can go back later and solve problems more quickly than before
Now that you know the five ways to help your child retain information, it’s time to put these techniques into practice. If you have a busy life or don’t have the time to devote to your child’s education, consider a homeschooling option. This method allows you to teach your children at home while still getting them into an engaging learning environme