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Why is a 2022 Back to School Program essential for your child?

In the wake of the pandemic, students have suffered major learning losses and especially in math and reading. More than 7 million US school children did not attend regular classes because of school closures. They had to go the online way. W

Back to School programs are the best way to get your child a head start with math and English.

hen these students return to school this fall, they'll need the support to make up for lost time and improve their learning skills.

According to the US department of education, the children are setback about 25% in their reading skills during their summer break. So, with schools going online for 21 months, the learning loss is expected to be much higher. The exact impact on learning loss due to school closures during COVID is yet to be assessed. The estimated learning losses are greater in math than reading, and have adversely affected younger learners.

A report by the consulting firm McKinsey & Company estimates that, on average, students had lost five to nine months of learning by the end of June 2021. And research from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania calculates that the lasting effects of learning loss from school closures on the economy, including lower productivity and lower wages, will reduce the U.S. GDP by 3.6 percent in 2050.

Back to school is a time for students, parents and teachers to get back into the routine of learning. It is also a time for learning about what our schools will be like after covid. It's important for returning students to think of school as a positive, welcoming place to be. Many children begin to feel edgy when advanced topics are taught in class. Its always a good idea to have your child practice for subjects like math, reading and writing ahead of the new school year. This will help your child keep in touch during the summer break, know what to expect and feel confident when those topics are taught in a class room.

Here are some tips of how you can prepare your child to go back to school:

The best way to get over this edginess is to be prepared.

1. List out things you have and you need to purchase for the new school year.

2. If you have a budget, check with family and friends for hand-me-down books, clothes etc.

3. Visit stores with Back to School merchandise.

4. Check out your school website to know about their administration, system and activities in the new school year.

5. Download the coming year’s syllabus, sample assessments and other important information from your state education department website so you know what to expect once you return to school.

6. Connect with other students/parents and speak to them as to how they are preparing for school.

7. Reach out to teachers and administrators to get some guidance on the new year at school.

8. Look for ‘Back to School’ offers and make the most of them. Most of these offers are genuine and budget-friendly.

9. Review Math and English topics that you learned in the previous school year. Work withn practice sheets and look over basic concepts in these subjects. Its not uncommon for school teachers to complain that at the beginning of every school year, they need to reteach earlier concepts as most students suffer from the summer learning loss.

10. Join activities similar to the ones you will have at school like art work, soccer, playing a musical instrument etc.

The above guidelines will boost your confidence to do well at school and surge ahead of your class at everything.

There are five main reasons why Back to School Programs must be a strategy that every parent should adopt for their child.

1. A Back to school program is essential to address the learning gaps in students. To improve efficiency of learning, techniques like targeted instruction can help learning recovery—which means that tutors align instruction to the learning level of your child. If your child is falling behind then, the tutor will help her catch up and solidify concepts that are required for the new curriculum. This may require even going back a few grades. A high school math tutor recalled that he had to go back teaching his student basic algebra concepts like solving linear equation before he could teach her techniques to find the missing angle of a triangle.

2. Back to School programs are designed specifically for students of grades 1-10, who have difficulty with reading, mathematics or writing. These personalized tutoring lessons will help your child get ready to learn better in the classroom. Having a comprehensive structured course plan for your child helps students and tutors to identify learning goals and hence set shared expectations between them for every online lesson. An individualized home task after each learning lesson, helps assimilate and solidify concepts learned. The tutor evaluates the home task solved by the student and tackles any learning gaps in the next learning lesson.

3. Back to school programs recover learning in school students by covering three key lines of action to:

a. consolidating the curriculum – The curriculum is a vital entity in the teaching-learning process. Having the appropriate course plan and curriculum is crucial to the success of a Back to school program. The course plan needs to be aligned to the student’s skills and requirements. It needs to have suitable elements like lesson plans, formative and summative assessments that are shared with a student during a program lesson.

b. extending instructional time – After school tutoring for students has proven to show better grades at school and top scores in standardized testing. Extended instructional time allows students to recall school instruction and permanent assimilation of concepts. Self-paced practice in math and English allows a student to gain confidence at school and beyond.

c. improving the efficiency of learning. Relating concepts to real world during online tutoring lessons makes instruction all the more engaging and effective. Students are able to apply learned concepts to real life situations, hence achieving the objectives of education.

4. A Back to school program can help students have access to the resources they need so they can get back on track. Enrolling your child in the right program to make sure their learning needs are met. It’s important that your child can handle academic pressure and anxiety through the school year.

5. Studies show that students score higher on standardized tests and reach advanced levels of proficiency when they are enrolled in Back to school programs.

NeoMaster presents a unique opportunity for your students to catch up and consolidate their knowledge in Elementary math, algebra, geometry and English (ELA).

We're here to help your child reach her learning goals and stay on track for success. Moreover, research has shown one-on-one tutoring to be one of the most effective tools for helping students who are behind.

Our structured Back to School programs include but are not limited to:

· Diagnostic Test to assess your child’s present knowledge skills based on which new math/ELA concepts can be built

· Customized educational plans for every student depending on her skills and requirements

· Regular 1-on-1 live online tutoring lessons over zoom.

· Individualized home tasks after every tutoring lesson.

With programs that cover 100% of a student's educational needs, NeoMaster Global upscales its fight against learning loss. They can help a student avoid further educational setbacks before they even start university or college!

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